Sonntag, 25. Januar 2015

Sorry for my inactivity


I know I didn't write for a long time, but I don't think anybody cares, since nobody is reading this...
Never mind. I will still go on with it and someday I maybe will get some readers/watchers.
I decided to make this whole thing on youtube. But first I have to finish painting my wall. I'm well... I think I'll make it a surprise how it will look like. But I'm sure it will be awesome and you (I hope somebody is reading this or it'll seem like I'm talking to thin air) will love it too.
This post will be this short, but don't be afraid, I'm coming next week with my introduction video. :)

See you soon...

Donnerstag, 1. Januar 2015

Introducing myself and my new blog

Hello there!

I'm goin to start this blog with the five Ws.


I'm Melua Lamun. I'm fifteen years old and a girl. I live in Germany, so please excuse me for faults in my english. I am in the 10th grade and I'm hoping to get to a great university one day. My favorite subjects are geography, english and physics. I like to read, write and watch movies. I'm only reading in english and I watch movies in english too. It's the original.
I'm a fangirl, so I think I should also write something about my most important fandoms, since this is what this is all about.

  • Star Wars: My first fandom. If I had to choose to only keep one fandom, this would be it. I find the creation of George Lucas amazing. The planets, the aliens... everything. If I could, I would immediately take a ship and fly there and never come back. I am a Jedi, forever; nothing could make me change my mind, nothing. And I have (or at least will have) a blue lightsaber. I just found a page, where I can design my own, so it won't take long and I'll have one.
    Here's a picture of me as a Jedi at the May the 4th - Star Wars Movie Marathon in Munich. 

  • Percy Jackson: My second favorite fandom. I love PJO and HoO so much! And Rick in general. I love it because it's something old made new. Like a remake of history. The adventures of Percy and Annabeth and all that stuff. Sadly I first saw the movie and I wanted to read the books. After finishing the Lightning Thief I just though What the hell were they thinking when they made the movie?! And I'm really happy they stopped making the movies, because if they would've ruined The Titan's Curse I would've killed them personally, because that's my favorite book out of the series. I think I would be either an Athena or an Ares kid. Eventually Bellona.
  • The Mortal Instruments: I just LOVE it. First I didn't know what to think about it, but then I decided to read it anyways and I couldn't stop. It's so awesome. I love Cassandra Clare's other books/series too. Actually I think this is the first fandom in which I got through the book. I mean I first read the book and THEN watched the movie. The movie is a bit messed up, but it's good too. Better than the PJO movies. I would love to be a shadowhunter.
  • Harry Potter: Actually I think this was my first fandom. I saw HP when I was twelve, I think even if I wasn't supposed to. My mom didn't want to. But my dad did, so yeah... And then I wanted to read the books, so I searched for a good deal on ebay and we got all the books for 46 €. Of yourse it was the german edition, but I was twelve. I would be a Ravenclaw or a Gryffindor. 
  • Divergent: I saw the movie first, thought it was amazing, read the book and thought, that this is amazing and terrible at the same time. But I still love it. I can't wait for the Insurgent movie, but honestly, I don't like Shai with short hair. I don't know, she had such beautiful, long hair... Oh and most likely I'd be divergent. I can't be controlled.
  • I have also other fandoms, but these are the most important to me. So don't be mad if you don't find yours.


Well, you could call it a Fandom-blog. It's all about books and movies and such stuff. I'm going to write reviews about books, trailers, movies, series etc. I most likely will also post videos. So it will be kind of an awkward combination between blog and vlog.


At least once a week, maybe sometimes twice. I hope it's enough.


Okay, this question doesn't make any sense here...


Because I want to share my thoughts with people all over the world. That's why I'm doing it in english.

Yeah, that's my introduction and I hope I'll have a lot of readers and watchers.... :)
