Sonntag, 29. März 2015

I'm so sorry

In this place I want to say something about the plane crash in the alps. I'm very sad that it happened and how a pilot (or co-pilot, it's almost the same) can be so irresponsible. I'm very sorry for the people who lost their lives in the crash and in this place I want to say that I'm sorry for the families whose friends and children were in the plane. Even if nobody reads this I want you all to know that I'm not okay with what happened. It's tragic and awful. Nobody should be allowed to do that.
As somebody who can feel what kind of responsibility it takes to pecome a pilot, I wonder why the Lufthansa didn't look at him more during the testing of his personality.
Sources say he wasn't satisfied with his job as a First Officer on a short-haul flight. I would be really satisfied with it, I mean he has achieved flying!!!
Oh yeah, and I don't want to say that I don't agree with the news, but I have my own theories. I don't want to say much, I'll just say this:
The plane was in the air for about 40 minutes.
(Supernatural fans will get this...)

I can't say that I feel the pain of the people who lost somebody, but I still want to wosh them a good life and that they aren't afraid of flying.

Melua :(

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